The Directorate of Communications and Alumni Relations in collaboration with the UNDIP’s KKIB Business Incubator on Saturday 7 November 2020 held Teaching Alumni Volume 1 of 2020 with theme Digital Business Development. Drs. Mujid Farihul Amin, M.Pd. as the Director of Communications and Alumni Relations, stated that the topic of Digital Business Development was the best choice the disruption era when the development of digital business massive. The students as well as the alumni should have a good strategy dealing with disruption era. The event was opened Dwi Cahyo Utomo, SE, M.Sc, Ph.D, Akt, as university leaders’ representative. In his remarks, he appreciated the activity and asked the students to start creating their own business.
323 participants attended the activity with two expertises from PT JNE and PT Jordan Plastics. Mr. Ir Arif Kurniawan, MM as the Commissioner of PT JNE as well as alumnus of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics said that as entrepreneur, we should not be afraid of competitors as long as we have high creativity and innovative, they will become our own challenge to develop the business.
The second speaker, Ir Daniel Lukito, MM, MSc, as the founder of PT Jordan Plastik is currently registered as a student in the Doctoral Program in Economics, UNDIP. He stated his experiences of being an entrepreneur were not always success, but the failures help him to develop his business.
This activity was moderated by Idris, SE, M.Si as the Head of the KKIB Business Incubator. He said that the participants were really excited and enthusiastic joining the webinar. Many questions were asked during Question and Answer session.
This activity indirectly supported the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are the 4th SDGs for quality education, the 8th SDGs Decent work and economic growth and the 9th SDGs for Industry, innovation and infrastructure. It is commitment from the UNDIP’s leader to always support the SDGs in every activity.
Drs. Mujid Farihul Amin, M.Pd as the Director of Communication and Relations of Alumni appreciated the Erasmus + with the Smart Project which assists UNDIP in developing entrepreneurial. He also appreciated PT JNE and PT Jordan Plastik who share their experiences in the webinar. (idr, 2020)
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