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The KKIB Business Incubator UNDIP in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship Students’ Community of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Diponegoro held a School of Business activity with the theme Let’s Talk about Entrepreneurship Students’ Creativity Program on November 21st, 2020 via Zoom Meeting. Mrs. Azizah Fathma, the gold winner of the 32nd National Students’ Creativity Program Competition in the entrepreneurship field was invited to share her experience, inspiration, and knowledge to prepare and win in the competition. The Erasmus+ and Smart Project through the workshop inspires the UNDIP Smart team to hold the activity.

One of the governments’ programs to improve the students’ creativity in Higher Education institutions is the National Students’ Creativity Program Competition. Entrepreneurship is one of the fields in the competition. Through the program, the students will get economic value and skill as well.  This program is good for developing student’s potential entrepreneurship because it gives chance the students’ to realize their business proposal under the supervision of the lecturer. The UNDIP’s Faculty of Economics and Business students were expected to contribute more to the program especially the entrepreneurship field.

Mr. Idris as the Head of B.usiness Incubator as well as the supervisor of Entrepreneurship Students’ Community expected that all of the participants can use the chance to write a good business proposal for the competition. He also expected that after the program more students participate in the competition and more business startups will be developed. The FEB students were expected to have more motivation to participate in the competition in 2021. The program with the support from Erasmus+ and Smart Project was expected to improve students’ entrepreneurship potential in UNDIP especially in the Faculty of Economics and Business. The improvement of the students’ entrepreneurship will help UNDIP in reaching the target to creates the job creator, not a worker.

Mrs. Azizah mentioned that some tricks for writing a good proposal for Entrepreneurship Students Creativity Program Competition are making sure all of your members’ team have the same vision on the mission, keeping up your commitment, doing your best up to the limit, keeping up your teamwork and communication, and keeping praying. She asked all participants to read a lot of books, newspapers, or articles to get more inspiration. She also asked them to discuss their idea with other students or supervisors and always support the effort with praying. It is expected that the activity will trigger more business proposals will produce in 2021 and more students participate in the National Students’ Creativity Program Competition.

This activity indirectly supported the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are the 4th SDGs for quality education, the 8th SDGs for Decent Work, and economic growth, and the 9th SDGs for Industry, innovation, and infrastructure. It is the commitment from the UNDIP’s leader to always support the SDGs in every activity. (faris)