The Directorate of Communication and Alumni Relations in collaboration with the Undip KKIB Business Incubator on Saturday, November 28, 2020 held Teaching Alumni Volume II in 2020 with theme “The Spirit of Doing Business in the New Normal Era”. It is annually agenda and invited two Business expertises, Syanaz Nadya Winanto Putri, the Founder of the Rorokenes Business and Roy Wibisono, CEO of PT. Naruna Ceramic. It was opened by Drs. Mujid Farihul Amin, M.Pd the Director of Communication and Relations of Alumni as the university leader’s representative. He appreciated and thanked Erasmus + with its Smart Project since they help UNDIP to develop enterpreunal spirit for the students as well as alumni. He thanked to Rorokenes and PT. Naruna Ceramic too, who’s supported the event.
The speech was followed by speech from Dr. Ita Widowati as the chairman of the committee as well as the Directorate of Alumni and Alumni Relations of UNDIP. She appreciated the webinar and suggested the UNDIP’s students to try new things, and don’t be afraid to fail. As we know, some business develops well in this situation but some of them not, so the students, alumni and academic staffs need to prepare.
The first speaker, Syanaz Nadya Winanto Putri delivered a presentation about her business called Rorokenes that is a brand of handicraft leather woven bags. The Rorokenes guarantees that all products are made of 100% genuine leather using 90% domestic materials and is produced by an order. The product is elegant and multifunctional design bag wrapped in traditional Indonesian weaving as the characteristics of the Rorokenes. It was first launched in April 2014 and she believes that a good product must give benefits to others and keep the nature. Mrs. Syahnaz Nadya Winanto Putri asked all of participants to think and to create their own business in order to help them after graduation. The students must become a business inventor who creates job for others.
Roy Wibisono as the second speaker shared his experience in managing PT. Naruna Ceramic. His business improved well during the Covid19 outbreak as more products sold than usual. His business idea is come from his thesis. He had a dream to be an entrepreneur who creates more job than worker in the company or government institution. His spirit guided him to achieve his dream to be the CEO of PT. Naruna Ceramic. In the event, he suggested that all of students should follow his path as entrepreneur not worker.
This activity was moderated by Shoimatul Fitria, SE, M.M as the Vice Director of UNDIP KKIB Business Incubator. She said that two speakers as UNDIP’s alumni run their business very well and can survive and success in this situation. On the other hand, the participants were very enthusiastic joining the webinar as they give many questions to both speakers until the end of the event.
The teaching alumni program indirectly supported the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in UNDIP. The SDGs were the 4th SDGs for quality education, the 8th SDGs Decent work and economic growth, and the 9th SDGs for Industry, innovation and infrastructure. (#mala_idr)
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